I'll have to be brave...

For today...

1) Motherhood is brave

2) Showing up is brave.

3) Invitation to Mother Medicine Retreat (my gift)!

4) And how about YOU?

Motherhood is brave.

Recently, I was working with a beloved client, someone who’s made enormous changes, on her next big vision.

One that requires her stepping into an unknown realm, requiring her courage in big and new ways.

She said, “I’m going to have to be brave.”

(She happens to be one of the bravest people I know, but we all have our edge…)

I asked her, what examples do you have of “brave” in your world? Where do you see and experience brave?

She thought about it, and landed on one.

“Motherhood. Motherhood is brave.”

Yes, motherhood is brave.

Showing up is what’s brave

I’ve had many people tell me that I was brave to choose to have my kiddo on my own by choice.

I don’t know that I knew how brave I was at the time. I was clear, though, that I wanted to be a mother, and I was lucky enough to become one.

There are many ways to step into motherhood and caregiving, and they can all require brave, no doubt.

And I know I'm not alone in acknowledging that I definitely didn't know how brave I’d need to be in the years to come, to keep going - sometimes in moments that felt like they weren’t created for mortal humans.

And in working with mothers, about motherhood or about being mothered (there’s a lot there to work!), I’ve come to realize that what’s truly brave is showing up every single day.

Showing up to what’s hard, to what’s beautiful, to what’s messy, to what turns your heart inside out and upside down.

Showing up when your kiddo is struggling with chronic or acute illness, mental health concerns, neurodivergence, school struggles, anxiety about the world, or coming out, and all of the challenges (social and otherwise) that come with that.

Showing up and being present when you’re met with your mirror of all that needs tending to within you.

Showing up when the world has turned upside down and you’re working to keep steady for your kids.

Showing up when YOU'RE struggling.

Showing up and being present when all you want to do is sleep, or have your own tantrum, or be lovingly mothered yourself – that’s brave!

Invitation to Mother Medicine Retreat (my gift!)

So bring your brave mama self so you can be mothered in community, loved up and supported at Mother Medicine retreat next Friday, May 12, 10:30-12 EST (see what time it is for you HERE).

You’ll get to settle your own nervous system, learn tools to bring you back to your center, and find connection in a safe space that honors all of you – and your "brave," in what you DO and who you ARE.

SIGN UP for Mother Medicine, a virtual (complimentary) retreat, here.

It’s just 90 minutes – and while I know that taking that time from all you’re doing and being is hard, it supports YOU in serving and showing up for THEM.

(And if you're not a mother, and feeling called to come, please do! You'll benefit from the retreat as well - we'll be looking through the lens of motherhood and you can adapt as you like.)

And how about you? (mother or not)

Showing up every day to what’s hard and beautiful is essentially required of motherhood and any form of caregiving.

It’s also a requirement of changemaking and service, and many other aspects of life.

As always, I’d love to hear your reflections.

How does this apply for you – whether you’re a mother or not, how do YOU show up as brave in your world? (I promise you, you’re showing up brave in so many ways…)

Where do you see brave around you?

Showing up every day is brave.

And consistently working to expand the capacity of your nervous system - that's also brave.

And increasing your own capacity helps you mother, caregive, lead, serve, teach, provide medicine or healing, and change the world…

And that heals... in ways seen and unseen.

The world needs you well.

(And those you care for need you well, too.)

With love and many blessings,
