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Connecting to Stability - part of Make Time for Your Health

I’m honored and delighted to be part of Mia Moran’s Make Time for Your Health online event! I’ll be speaking as part of her Q&A on August 24, at 12 noon EST.

Additionally, I’m offering a gift to support you to feel steady as you face your day, your work and all you do in the world through this simple Connecting to Stability process.

Why does it matter that you do this?

In addition to the fact that as a leader, visionary, provider, entrepreneur, walking around feeling destabilized and off kilter by the events of the world and the happenings in your own world isn't good for YOU, it's also not helpful for how you show up in the world.

You’ve got loads of work and people to tend to, and the demands of life are many, I know.

And… when you show up to tend to you, to find your own stable place and sense of connection within and around you, and to take space to find calm and connection, you can lead, vision, provide, be creative, and change the world in ways you never imagined.

Join me this coming August 24, 2023 and let’s make a greater impact on the world together.

Follow this link to join Mia’s event and participate in the Q&A.

Follow this link to get your Connecting to Stability process!